Use the Web Factory ImagEditor to enhance your Web pages. Create collages from photographs or other images with objects. Objects are portions of an image that can be trimmed to a rectangular or non-rectangular shape and layered on top of one another in an image window, in any arrangement you like.

  1. To create an object:
    1. Click on the Open button on the Standard toolbar or select Open from the File menu to open an image.

    2. Click on the Drag box or Drag freehand button on the Area Toolbar.
      The Drag box button places a dotted rectangular box around the area; the Drag Freehand button outlines the area. Click on the right mouse button to end the selection.

    3. Select the area by clicking on the image.
      Hold the left mouse button down and drag until the dotted lines surrounds the area.

    4. Click on the Grab Object button on the Area toolbar or select Grab Object from the Area menu.
      The Describe Object box is displayed.

    5. Type in a description for the object.

    6. Click OK to return to the image.

    7. Select Object from the File menu to save the object.
      You need to save the object in order to use it in a new image.
      1. Select Save from the Object sub menu.
        The Save Object box is displayed.
      2. Type in a file name.
        The Save As Type default extension is *.imi.
      3. Click on the Save button to return to the image.

    8. To use an object, access the File menu. Select Load from the Object sub menu.

    Use the options on the Object menu and the tools on the Object Toolbar to manipulate the object. Refer to Image Objects - Collages and Image Objects - Using Filters for more information about the Object menu and Object Toolbar.

    Also available are the Edit menu, Cut, Copy and Paste options:

When the current file is an image file in the ImagEditor, the Cut option is as follows:

The Cut sub menu is displayed, which allows you to cut either the current object or area selection to the clipboard.

  • Object
    Removes the current object from the image and places it on the Windows clipboard, where it is stored until something else is cut or copied to the clipboard. Once an object is cut, it can be pasted from the clipboard into another part of the same image, or into an entirely different image.

  • Area
    Places a copy of the selected area on the Windows clipboard, where it is stored until something else is cut or copied to the clipboard. Once a selection is cut, it can be pasted from the clipboard into another part of the same image, or into an entirely different image.
When the current file is an image file in the ImagEditor, the Copy option is as follows:
  • Object
    Places a copy of the current object on the Windows clipboard, where it is stored until something else is cut or copied to the clipboard. Once an object is copied to the clipboard, it can be pasted into the same image, or into an entirely different image.

  • Area
    Places a copy of the selected area on the Windows clipboard, where it is stored until something else is cut or copied to the clipboard. Once a selection is copied to the clipboard, it can be pasted into the same image, or into an entirely different image.
When the current file is an image file in the ImagEditor, the Paste option is as follows:

The Paste sub menu allows you to paste the contents of the clipboard in either of the following ways:

  • as Object
    Places the contents of the clipboard into the current image window, as an object.

  • as New Image
    Places the contents of the clipboard into a new image window. The new image window is sized to fit the contents of the clipboard.

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